A Limited Offer For A Few Lucky Punters! ...

" Want TOP QUALITY Ratings & Form?
Want TOP Selections EVERY Week?
with Tips, Reviews, & Much More? ..."

Plus Full Information On My Unique Ratings Strategy!

From Chad Redwin
Wednesday 11.30am

Dear Fellow Racing Enthusiast

Horse racing in Oz, is a truly a great sport and it's a lot of fun having a bit of a punt! But - let me tell you, it's even more fun getting a few winners!! For most punters, this is NOT the case because they usually do not have access to well researched form, quality selections and good racing info. But there are a few punters around who do consistently pick winners every week. Have you ever wondered how they do it? Most of them are professionals, who study the form 24/7 - but - most of us don't have time to do that!

Now, that's where my "Redwin's Ratings Strategy" comes in. So then, let me ask you this ... How would like like to be one of those, who has fun at the races and picks a few extra winners - every week? Well, I'm going to show you exactly how to do that, when you join me as a subscriber to my "Best Racing Tips" Newsletter!

My name is Chad Redwin and I've been involved in the racing industry for more than 20 years. I'm not a 'big noise' and I like to keep a 'low profile'. That way, I can go about my business, which is my love of horse racing and my breeding interests. I buy and sell thoroughbreds, go to a few sales and buy a yearling now and then, as well as have a 'bit of punt'!

It wasn't always like that for me, I've had the seat out of my pants! In the '80's, I lost a bundle of money by betting on credit. I was deeply in debt and flung money at anything that moved! Some bookies even gave me the chance to square up by giving me overs about favourites they knew were never going to win. This saw me go deeper in debt and I vowed that I'd get revenge on the bagmen, by beating them at their own game! It took me great discipline, careful planning and a certain strength of character to work my way out of the mess. But I did it and I'm a lot wiser and smarter now!

What I actually discovered out of this rather sad but true story, was that I had a real talent that I never knew about! From that time on, I then spent a number of years studying the form and the breeding lines, together with every aspect of racing and betting. Slowly, I developed my own  unique strategy, which is based on the rating of a horse's individual ability. What is unique about my strategy, is that it also rates the horses's ability against the remainder of the field in that specific race!  This is no guess work or second hand tips or a computer based numbers system! It is a genuine ratings strategy based on real data. Over the years, I've refined my strategies and now you can see for yourself how good it is with a FREE subscription to my "Best Racing Tips" Newsletter.

Before I go any further, I must clearly state that my strategy is not a "get rich quick" scheme or some "magic formula" that turns up winners every time. It is a carefully considered set of selections based on solid form factors, speed maps, ratings and well studied background information, requiring intensive research and work on my part. The astute punter who will benefit from my strategies, should enjoy horse racing, be able to spend a few minutes preparation time and be prepared to stay strictly within a budget. If you can answer "yes" to the above questions, then my special offer is exactly what you've been searching for!

"OK - Chad - Tell Me More About  Your LIMITED FREE  OFFER! ...

You get a FREE subscription to my "Best Racing Tips" Newsletter, plus the opportunity to join my Gold Membership, which is by invitation only!  I am ONLY accepting a small number of new members and I will be giving priority to those people who sign up now for the special FREE OFFER of my "BEST RACING TIPS" Newsletter. However, I do need to inform you that my Gold Membership is currently closed, as I ONLY accept a strictly limited number of people. When you join up as a Gold Member, you join a small exclusive group of punters on my established membership site, who get top quality ratings, roundups and suggestions every week for all of the main metropolitan races. In addition, there are many more benefits such as Live Weekly Webinars and my special Coaching Strategy Program.  Plus, the monthly membership subscription is less than an average dinner for two!  The good news is that I will be opening my Gold Membership in time for the Spring Racing Carnival!  So, you are a winner both ways! You get a FREE subscription to my "Best Racing Tips" Newsletter, plus an invitation to be a Gold Member!

OK - I can here you asking, "How do I that know you are genuine?" A very good question! All you need to do is simply sign up for my "Best Racing Tips" Newsletter and you get the full information about my Gold Membership, plus some great FREE Bonuses! You can judge for yourself at NO RISK! Now - by way of an example, here are a few of the winners that my Gold Members got  in the last few weeks: Mighty Rossa ($22.60); Yield Curve ($5.80); Ken's Double ($8.70); Superior Instinct ($5.10); Fifteen Carat ($4.40); Musty Springs $8.10); Ironstein ($6.50); Triple Honour ($4.40); Brave Knight ($4.90); African Prince ($6.70); Billy The Brat ($6.60) and many more! (NSW TAB prices - June and July 2010). Now - these are my first pick selections - not some "seconds" or "maybes" from the bunch! The above doesn't include many other winners and multiples!

Sure - you are asking, "Where's the proof?" Simple - join up and you get FULL access. But - more than that - read what some of my current members say. These are all GENUINE unsolicited testimonials from real people! OK - I can also hear you asking, "Can you guarantee this every week?" Again - a very simple answer - No! Of course not - no one can! - and that's not what I'm about! What I do guarantee, is that you will get honest, valuable and well considered information every week, plus genuine ratings and tips.

"I'm Very Interested Chad - What Exactly Do I Get As A Subscriber?"

It's a fact that less than 5% of punters make a regular profit. That means a staggering 95% of all punters LOSE MONEY - most of them every week!

I know what it feels like - I've been there - losing money every week. Listening to racing tips and getting second hand racing form that wasn't worth a bumper.

After years of hard work I've developed my unique Redwin's Rating Strategy, which delivers a consistently high strike rate. For a strictly limited time, you can get my "Best Racing Tips" FREE!
This Page Is ONLY For Punters Who Are Prepared To Act NOW!! ...
Click on the image below to play the video ...
"So Chad - What Do Current Members Say About You & Oze Racing Review?"

Most of my current members have been with me from the start of my website - some two years ago. During that time they have enjoyed a very high level of exclusive information. The unsolicited testimonials below are from REAL PEOPLE! They represent a very small selection of the emails that I get on a regular basis. If you want to get some winners, then - Join Up Now!
Here's what a few of my members say ...
Newsletter:  You will get a FREE subscription to my "Best Racing Tips" Newsletter for three months! This will be sent as a personal email to you every week and you can cancel at any time. This offer is absolutely FREE with NO OBLIGATION! You will get a total of 13 issues free.  Real World Value - $97

Ratings:  The Newsletter contains ratings for my specially selected six races in both Sydney and Melbourne, including the occasional race from other capital cities. Each race features a ratings report, which consists of the four top picks in that race. The picks are listed in order and the runners are rated out of 100.

Roundup:  The Newsletter also contains a detailed roundup and analysis, provided to you for each of the four rated runners in the particular race. This roundup provides you with some background information, as well as the prospect that the runner has in the race. The roundup is based on the actual speed maps and form.

Selections:  Each Newsletter also contains my selections and strategies for each rated race. These strategies are my personal selections and I inform you exactly what I will do. This may be an outright win bet or it could be a combination of a win and save or even a multiple.

Bonus No. 1:  In addition, I am going to send you a copy of my very detailed report called "What Are The Odds". This report reveals the truth behind why most punters always lose. You will learn about the "odds" and how the markets work. This easy to read report is invaluable for the average punter. Real World Value - $47.

Bonus No. 2:  As a further special bonus, you will get a full 3 months subscription to my "Ask The Guru" program. This is where you can ask any racing related question and receive a personal reply from me or my team. Questions can be about horses, form, jockey's, trainers and etc. (but no extra tips!). Real World Value - $197.

Bonus No. 3:  One of my most popular features is affectionately known as "Chad's Notebook"! This is where I present you up and coming horses, potential winners and horses to watch. Much of this comes from my intimate knowledge of the industry and you will get this FREE, periodically over the next 3 months. Real World Value $67.

Priority List:  You will also be placed on my Priority List, to be invited to join as a Gold Member. My Gold Membership has been closed since February 2010 and will open for a limited time before the Spring Carnival. This membership is by invitation only, however there is NO OBLIGATION to join. It is completely up to you.

Much More!!:  As a subscriber, you will also receive some very special offers, as well as some un-advertised bonuses! These are the extras that I do not advertise and you will be pleasantly surprised as they are absolutely FREE! Also from time to time, I will send you special offers and other racing industry information.

Chad's Oze Racing Review is the best .. I have been punting for thirty years and have subscribed to many services over those years and have ended up out of pocket and downhearted on each occasion .. I even got scammed!  I love my punting and I couldn't recommend Chad's Oze Racing Review highly enough ... not only for the winners, but for the honesty, integrity, ethics and customer service, which sadly is often not found these days.                  .....  Warwick
This the best product I have come across in many years of punting. It is clear, concise and very well presented. I'm very impressed with Chad's integrity and genuine desire to put out the best product for his loyal following.         .....  Warren
I just want to give you my support for all the hard work in putting together what I am anticipating to be the best rating service anywhere! I have always been impressed by your transparency, in the manner you conduct your business and communicate with us all.  I can not wait to see the finished product and you can put me down as your first GOLD member!                      .....  Allen
... and all of the below comments! - unsolicited and NOT taken out of context! ...

"Chad has an awesome knowledge of horseracing, which is reflected in his fantastic Ratings."
"Very informative and loves to be on a personal level with his punters!!!"
"Honest top class service - would recommend to anyone looking to come out a winner."
"I have been a small punter for many years, losing on most occasions, but since I have been receiving Chad's tips, I have had the most consistent run of wins I have ever had."
"He's honest and accurate. Lots of fun and you make money!"
"Honest, professional and most importantly, personal service, Chad is a very good judge."
"I have found Chad's tips to be the best I have used."

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©  2008 - 2010   Chad Redwin     Oze Racing Review    All rights reserved
Your email address is safe with me. I guarantee that your details will never be sold, rented, shared or given away to anyone.
I hate SPAM as much as you do.
You MUST be over 18 yrs of age to receive "Best Racing Tips."

- Chad's "Best RacingTips" -
Sign Up Now - FREE! ...

For a strictly limited time you can get Chad Redwin's "Best Racing Tips" each week, absolutely FREE, for 3 months, PLUS the 3 special Bonuses listed above. Chad is offering a few lucky people the chance to test drive his unique strategies - absolutely no obligation and you can cancel at any time.
Enter your first name and a valid email address
"OK - Chad  -  I'm Ready To Sign Up Now For Your FREE OFFER!" 

Simply complete the form below and hit the "Subscribe Now" Button ...
OK - perhaps you're not convinced, I understand! ...

Firstly - my offer is actually FREE! - and without obligation. You can subscribe now and I'll keep sending you my "Best Racing Tips" free, for three months! Why am I doing this? Well - I'm looking for a small group of punters to test drive my latest strategies and give me some feedback. Now, this is not an obligation, but I would appreciate if you are able to.

Secondly, how do you know my Redwin's Ratings Strategy is for real? After all, there are a lot false claims, tricky strike rates, fudged winnings and even down right scams out there - mostly designed to get your money! Well - don't worry! - because this isn't costing you one cent and there is absolutely NO RISK to you!  Sign up now while the offer is still open.

To your winning success


PS I didn't really stress that this offer is strictly limited to just a couple of hundred lucky punters. When that limit is reached, I'm closing the doors. Who knows when they may open again -  So sign up now before it's too late.